Applying for the Gates Cambridge Scholarship in the UK – Eligibility, Deadline and Procedure

With over 300 postgraduate courses in Accounting and Finance, Archeology, Social Work, Advance Chemical Engineering, Architecture, Urban Studies, and so on, you can pick the course of your dream as an intending scholarship student. You can also choose the postgraduate (Master’s or PhD) degree at the University of Cambridge.

For a school that has a mission to deliver opportunities to everyone, it is not unrealistic to find different types of scholarships that extend to people in every corner of the world. The Gate Cambridge, which was founded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in 2000 is one of the most credible and popular scholarships attached to Cambridge University.

It is for everyone outside the United Kingdom. So, you can be one of the beneficiaries as a Nigerian living in Nigeria. The question is; do you have what it takes, and are you ready for the sacrifices?

What You Stand to Gain from The University of Gates Cambridge Scholarship

If you truly have what it takes to be a beneficiary of the Gates Cambridge scholarship and you are lucky enough to be selected, here are some of the benefits you should look forward to:

  • Composition fee paid

The university composition fee is the tuition fee charged by the university for the course or program you choose. Getting the Gates Cambridge scholarship means that you do not have to worry about paying any part of the fee no matter how expensive.

The program handles this and ensures that the fee is paid at the specified rate and at the appropriate time.

  • Paid Airfare

Imagine not having to worry about the airfare cost when you travel from Nigeria to the United Kingdom and travel back after the course. This is exactly one of the benefits Gates Cambridge provides for all beneficiaries.

You get to enjoy the thrill of taking off from your home and travelling back when it is all over without paying a dime!

  • Inbound Visa Cost

Guess what? The scholarship is like a golden ticket! As long as you get your visa from the Gates Cambridge Scholarship, you get automatic permission to enter and study in the country.

The Gates Cambridge scholarship is also a ticket to free healthcare in the time frame that you are a student of the school and a beneficiary of the scholarship program. So, fear not! being in another land does not put your health in jeopardy since your medical needs are covered throughout your stay.

  • Living and Maintenance allowance

To top it all, you also get a maintenance allowance from the foundation. As a single student who has been admitted for a master’s degree that lasts for 12 months, you get as much as 20000. And for a Ph.D. course that is most likely going to last for four years, you get the appropriate maintenance.

How to apply to the Gates Cambridge scholarship

If you believe yourself eligible for the scholarship and believe the benefits are worthy, you shouldn’t wait any more time doubting and thinking. Get to applying for thus scholarship as soon as you can, and you will not regret it!

Want to apply? Do these:

  • Decide the course

It is important to remind you that choosing the course you would like to study should be a priority when applying for this scholarship. You are lucky because you have access to learn about the course of your choice, the requirements, and deadlines via the course directory. Here, you get to also know if you meet the requirements of the course before you start the application process.

  • Check the application deadline

Knowing when the door of opportunity closes is going to help you make haste in the application process. Since you are applying for the course and the scholarship, you need to know the deadlines for both and act accordingly.

  • Register

Now that you know the deadline, the right time to apply is now! Check out the applicant portal to get the perfect view and to easily select the course of your choice.

After the course section, you should click on the Apply Now button and begin the process. You will be asked to fill in some vital academic information at every step. Do it all at once if you can. However, you also have the luxury of coming back to the application process if you get tired or do not have a specific document at hand. All you need to do if you want to come back to it is save the application.

  • Apply for finding

After the course registration, an application for funding through the university’s main source of funding should be the next step of action. You can also do this through the applicant’s portal.


Now that you have applied for the Gates Cambridge scholarship, all you need to do is wait and prepare for the test that is to come. You should get the best from this as long as you do everything right and believe.

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