China Jobs For Expats, Best 20 Job Sites For Expats and China Jobs For Foreigners

Expats China Jobs | Overview

China jobs for expats website are potential online platform for job seekers or foreigners who indeed are certain or intentional about their job search in China, this China jobs website tend to assist or help well-meaning Foreigners or job seekers who really want to apply for China jobs and are passionate about starting a lucrative job career in China.

Foreigners who really want to work in China should indeed take advantage of China jobs website for a better glimpse or view of top rated China based influential firms or companies who actually are in search of great Foreign talents that are skillful and possess high Cognitive abilities or mental abilities in the aspect of problem solving, Foreigners should also take advantage of China’s serene work environment which encourages professional development and also explore China’s culture and lifestyle.

China of a truth is the second largest economy in the world due to the development of its economy in recent years, the country is indeed one of the major home or citadels for modern technology. The country generates most of its revenue from the exportation of modern technologies to other countries, most especially developing countries who rely greatly on China’s product making China one of the major players in the aspect of sustainability and development of the world at large.

The country’s official language is Chinese and it is currently the world most populous country on earth and also the biggest Asian country whose land mass is almost the whole of Europe and only surpassed in land mass by only Canada and Russia.

China’s capital city is Beijing which is believed to be the communication Centre of the country also it portrays itself as the economic and cultural base of the country. The country’s major industrial city is Shanghai, it encompasses most of China’s tech firms or companies while the Country’s top commercial Centre is Hong Kong.

17 Out Standing Expats Job Websites in China

China Jobs For Expats

Our team of researchers has taken time in organizing a full comprehensive list of online platforms or job websites that specializes on flaunting great lucrative job vacancies due to the constant need for skillful and sound employees by companies located in China for expats.

The country’s contribution to the world’s development has greatly resulted to the unwavering desire for skilled labor or employees by most Chinese based firm or companies. This companies tend to supply most of their finished product outside the shore of the country, hereby trying to meet up with the high demand of their product from other countries of the world.

Job seeking persons or Foreigners who indeed are expats and possess the right leadership qualities should maximize this opportunity by visiting this website listed below.

It should interest you to know that this online platform or websites tend to flaunts high paying jobs that might transform or fund your lifestyle to the very best.

Job seeking individuals are hereby advise to adhere to instructions giving on this China jobs website for the smooth processing of their application, applicants should also submit a well-planned or documented resume or CV portraying applicant’s qualification and prior experience in any related field or jobs.

Welcome onboard, please take your time in exploring the below listed websites.

Zhaopin is one of the top-rated Job sites In China, Applicants are advised to visit the site and create an account. The websites arrange Chinese jobs in category, locations, job specification and some other information’s.

In Zhaopin employers of labour tend to register with a real Chinese business card before advertising any job opening on the site.

This platform majors on advertising or posting English speaking job ads or vacancies and also other jobs.

The China Foreign Experts Bureau owns and operates this website. It was first introduced in 1998. This webpage is said to be the first in China. They tend to post more of job vacancies for foreigners which is the core business model, and they operate both offline and online.

This website is run from Beijing.

51jobs is one of China’s earliest job-hunting websites, it is a job-hunting website where top Chinese employers hunt or search for skilled individuals who possess the required skill-set for a particular job opening or advertisement.

51jobs started it operation in 2005, and it is been operated from Beijing.

Job site China was launched in 2005, which initially started as a language teaching website whereby recruiting language teachers that are expats in some selected core languages like English, Chinese etc.

The websites started covering all other categories of job openings in China in 2006, it has it base or offline office at both Beijing and shanghai.

Foreignhr is indeed an old website which was launched in 2006, the website has existed for decades.

this website is best known for its consultation service and advertisement of job openings of different category in China.

This extensive information site was launched in 2008. Echinacities began as a library of information on China’s major cities, but it has recently turned its focus to foreign talent recruiting, with foreign talent recruitment services becoming one of the website’s most essential aspects. This website provides both job postings and a recruitment service.

This website is relatively new in comparison to the previous ones. It was released in 2014. This website is being built at a fast speed. Shenzhen is where it is run. This website’s model is still under review, and it will be updated on a regular basis. This website has no architectural constraints, so the technology used is very new in comparison to the websites listed above. As a result, the employer can just click to refresh job openings, and the openings will be updated more rapidly.

The website was created in 2014, and its primary focus is on foreign teachers recruitment. There is a high demand for international talent who are expats foreign teachers, making the employee turnover in this profession extremely high.

The website has made significant investments in Internet advertising of popular China jobs and it is well-known by a large number of individuals. Their main focus is on finding skillful and talented foreigners.

One of the features of this websites, which was launched in 2014, is that it pays rewards for recruiting. Wuhan is the headquarters for this website. We anticipate that this website will expand in the future as China’s Midwest expands.

This website was launched in 2016 with a primary focus on internet recruitment and headhunting. Chengdu is the location where this website is hosted. Their Chengdu-Chongqing region is currently undergoing rapid development. This website is expected to grow significantly in the future.

A website for foreigners living in Beijing that provides a wealth of information. This website, on the other hand, offers a section dedicated to job searching and recruitment. The website’s daily information update is quick, and it includes a lot of job position information.

This website provides necessary information on job listings in some designated location like Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, and a few other Chinese cities.

The websites actually provide jobs in different category.

Goabroad websites in recent times has been one of the best job websites with each job opening on online platform listed or advertise in English.

This website offers applicants career coaching, career planning, employment recommendations, and special recruitment opportunities.

This website flaunts various job openings in Shanghai. Well-meaning job seekers who indeed are skilled should take advantage of this China jobs websites.

How can I get Job in China For Expats?

Steps to Get a Job in China-China Jobs Website

Getting a job in China for expats comes with certain regulations, Foreigners or job seeking individuals should have these basic facts in mind to serve as a guide in securing high paying China jobs.

  • Before you apply for any job in China it is advisable to learn the Chinese language this will further open or broaden your choice of opportunities in the China job market alongside English language this indeed will better your chances in securing high profile Chinese jobs.
  • Foreigners who indeed are passionate about working in China should narrow their job search to Chinese company looking to go global, this is because most locally based Chinese firm or companies who aren’t looking forward to go international prefer employing Chinese rather than foreigners because they believe the Chinese understand the country’s market better.
  • Applying for jobs in global brands or companies in China especially tech companies will further prevent you from having slim chances in securing lucrative jobs as a foreigner.
  • Just having a bachelor degree from a known Chinese university isn’t enough in securing any Chinese high-profile jobs, to better your chances in your quest to secure high paying jobs in China it is advisable to Possess a Master’s degree certificate from a Known Chinese university.
  • Actually, having a master degree certificate from a known or registered Chinese university makes it easy in securing a work visa in China.
  • Also, as a job seeker you should also consider having great networking skills or ability i.e., the ability to make new friends because most top jobs aren’t posted or advertise as jobs,instead they go to individuals who indeed have developed a strong bond with top officials who work with companies in China.
  • To further better your chances in securing good jobs in the country it is indeed advisable to spend quality time in the aspect of planning and documentation of your CV/Resume and you should also learn how to write professionally when applying for jobs in China.

High Demand Jobs In China

As China rapidly expands into a major industrialized nation with possibly the world’s largest economy, a diverse range of work opportunities, fascinating job experiences, competitive earnings, and reasonable living conditions are becoming increasingly appealing to foreigners.

The list below shows top demanding career in China for both foreigners and citizens.

(1) Commerce

If it weren’t for commerce, China might not have been able to reach its current level of worldwide expansion. What good is it for China to be able to create almost any product at such low prices if the products never leave the country.

Commerce of a truth has been the principal means of connecting China to the rest of the world throughout its long history, dating back to the time when the Silk Road was used as a trading route. The New Silk Road now seeks to establish new trade routes.

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Today, merchants from all over the world have discovered ways to make a lot of money by simply buying Chinese produce, loading it onto containers, and transporting it back home to sell at a high profit margin. In areas like the manufacturing behemoth Guangzhou and the picturesque small “factory-town” Yiwu, ambitious foreigners climb the financial ladder through commerce and trade.

(2) Writing

Any foreigner living or traveling in China quickly develops into a valuable source of information since they have the unique ability to observe and report on a new way of life and culture from the outside. This is why the writing, editing, and content production industries are always on the search for new perspectives and ideas.

English content is in high demand in news, media, and general content-based marketing, especially as China grows more modernized than ever before. Travel, expat lifestyle, current events or news, and industry-specific reporting are all possible careers in these fields.

(3) Tourism and Hotel

China’s domestic tourist industry has exploded in recent years and shows no signs of slowing down. Travelers travel from all over the world to observe the country’s extraordinary big-city development, to immerse themselves in its particular culture, or to gaze at the breathtaking natural landscapes and historical sites.

This industry understands the need of providing excellent service to ensure that arriving tourists are satisfied, and as a result, it actively recruits foreign workers.

Many Chinese hotel groups are looking for foreign hotel managers to help ensure that their properties match international standards.

(4) Managerial Position

Many multinational companies and enterprises want to grow their operations in China, and foreign managers are in high demand to help negotiate the shift between foreign headquarters and local Chinese branches. This is why global executives from every business have been flocking to China for years.

Such executives are well compensated, and they frequently receive privileges not found in other businesses, such as large homes, automobiles, and even private drivers.

(5) Engineering

Despite the fact that China has plenty of local talent, there is still a belief that in such specialized industry, expertise is crucial, and foreign professionals are thus highly prized.

The majority of China’s huge engineering projects have engaged foreign consultants/architects. Heavy industries such as energy and cars receive support and training from foreign experts. The country is still trying to figure out how the rest of the world is doing things better.

(6) Restaurants and Bars

Foreign restaurants, cafes, and bars have sprung up on every street corner in China since the turn of the century. Many restaurant and bar owners can franchise their operations across the country if they can properly market themselves. A foreign-owned establishment will undoubtedly attract Chinese folks seeking a real flavor of foreign culture.

(7) Arts and Music

Foreign artists have discovered a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to monetize their skills while simultaneously introducing exotic art traditions to new audiences. China has always loved and revered western and foreign creative forms, from music to dance to painting and everything in between.

(8) Tech Industry

The information technology sector is undoubtedly the world’s fastest-growing industry, and this is especially true in China. The country as a whole is technologically advanced, and the sector is continuously on the lookout for new talent from overseas to join its global networks.

Foreigners who possess great tech skills like programming should take advantage of the growing tech market in China.

(9) Teaching

In China, foreign teachers are high in demand, with positions available in kindergartens, universities, and special training centers. Education is recognized as one of China’s most essential cultural values, so expat teachers should take advantage of this lifetime opportunity of starting a rewarding teaching career in China.

What is China Salary?

The country to some reasonable extent offers one of the best minimum wages in the world, the salary earned by any Chinese worker or any foreigners working in China is based on educational qualification, Prior experience, City of employment, industry etc.

To further expanciate about the rewarding salary of Chinese workers you should bear in mind that the minimum wage in China is 7410 yuan per month that is $1,145 also the maximum wage is 131,100 yuan ($20,200).

One of the top earners in the Chinese job market are the tech workers because 70% of the country’s economy revolves round the tech industry.

It’s also important to know that all Chinese workers or foreigners working in China are entitled to a raise of 9% every 15 month on their salary in respect to their various job role.

Another important fact is that China salary tend to favor workers who indeed possess more experience in their specific job role whereby the salary of any employee increases base on how experienced the employer perceive them to be.

China Jobs Website: Job Opportunities for expats in China

Job opportunities for expats in China, this are comprehensive list of jobs for professionals who indeed are experienced in their specific job role.

We hope this article was indeed educative and informative, feel free to comment below.

Originally posted 2022-04-29 07:43:00.

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