Mauritius Jobs For Expats, High Demand Jobs in Mauritius for Foreigners

Mauritius Jobs For Expats | Vacancies In Mauritius

Mauritius jobs for expats are quite easy to come by once you have the right skill-set as an individual, most firm or company select their workers base on how well they could embark on job task creatively using the required critical thinking ability.

At times it is advisable to embark on difficult task so as to improve your creativity. Recent research has

shown that humans who tend stress themselves mentally end up having high IQ. The basic fact you need to know is that most firm or industries in Mauritius employ workers under scrutiny of how well they could perform on their specific job role.

Agriculture, tourism, and financial services support Mauritius’ economy. Textiles, sugar, and fish are among the items exported by the island nation to countries such as France, the United States, and the

United Kingdom. the country’s growth is driven by the services industry, which makes it a desirable destination for job seekers.

The economy of the country is strong and expanding. Its key businesses, are financial services, tourism and transportation. This provides numerous job possibilities for both early career and older workers.

Taxes are inexpensive in comparison to many African countries, which is a plus for workers. Medical insurance is required for foreigners for better health care services.

Mauritius educational system is well structured and advanced making it appealing for citizens and foreigners who sincerely wish to send their wards to good schools.

Mauritius jobs are quite flexible, you could be a part-time worker or full-time worker base on your jurisdiction.

Mauritius of a truth is an island nation whose capital is Louis, Mauritius is located in the Indian Ocean, around 800 kilometres east of Madagascar.

The official language of the country is English, which is spoken by only a small percentage of the people. Creole, a French-based patois, is the country’s lingua franca and is spoken by around four-fifths of the people. One-tenth of the population speaks Bhojpuri, an Indo-Aryan language, and a minor percentage speaks French. Hindi, Chinese, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu are among the other languages spoken on the island. Mauritians frequently speak two, three, or even four languages and the school system encourages students to learn a variety of languages.

Jobs in Mauritius Exclusive for Foreigners or Expats

Honestly getting Mauritius jobs is quite possible, you just need to be patient, Be Focus, responsive, and on the lookout for the perfect chance. In Mauritius Foreigners are employed by a large number of Mauritian firms, to increase your chances of standing out on the country market, it is beneficial to have a good lucrative skill.

One distinctive attribute of Mauritius is it great hospitable environ and kind hearted citizens who tend to welcome foreigners from nations, not even considering their race. The country is a great place to be considering its Tourist attraction and also how less competitive it is to secure job as a foreigner.0ne of the best places to seek Mauritius jobs as a foreigner is Port Louis, which is the country’s capital city. This is because most Mauritius businesses and industries do have their headquarters located in this city.

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However, obtaining a visa as a foreigner will be necessary in order to live and work in Mauritius. To be  able to choose the proper Visa for you, you must first understand the Visas available in Mauritius.

There are three categories of Visas in Mauritius:

  • Occupational permit
  • Resident Permit
  • Work permit

Occupational Permit

Types of Occupational permit

(1) Occupational permit – Professional

This type of visas are basically for foreigners who indeed are lucky enough to secure a job spot in Mauritius.

(2) Occupational Permit-Self Employed

These visas are for persons having the following work schedule below:

  • If indeed you’re a freelancer living in Mauritius
  • For those who want to start a company in Mauritius
  • This is Basically for those employed in the IT sector like a consultant, trainer, digital marketer, web developer, or other type of service provider in the IT industry.
  • You don’t want to hire people and work from Mauritius on your own.

(3) Occupational permit- investor

This type of Occupational permit is for investors who started or plan to start a business in Mauritius and wish to work for their company.

Also, for investors who have $500,000 to invest and wishes to hire in Mauritius.

Resident Permit

1. Resident permit-retired

Read specification below:

  • You must be 50 years old or older.
  • You must have retired and don’t want to engage in any commercial activities in Mauritius.
  • You also adore the beach and the sun and have a monthly income of at least $1500.

(2) Resident Permit – Marriage to a Mauritian

This Resident permit are for foreigners who are married to a Mauritian Or are about to marry a Mauritian. And also wish to settle in Mauritius and live with their partner.

(3) Resident Permit-Student visa

Basically, for student who were lucky enough to have secured an internship Position in Mauritius or will be studying in Mauritius.

This could help in you in securing a part time job as a student alongside your internship program I.e., Jobs in Mauritius for foreigners.

(4) Permanent Resident Permit – Real Estate

If you have acquired a property of more than $375k in a property as a foreigner, then this visa is for you as a foreigner in Mauritius, with this you could apply for a permanent Resident Permit in Mauritius.

Jobs in Mauritius for foreigners.

Mauritius Jobs For Expats
Mauritius Jobs For Expats

Job seeking Foreigners who live outside the shores of Mauritius who indeed are interested in Mauritius jobs can as well visit the following site below for Mauritius jobs:

Which Jobs are high demand in Mauritius?

The Jobs Below are high in demand in Mauritius

  • Customer service representative
  • Human resource Manager
  • Healthcare Jobs
  • Tourism
  • Hospitality and hotel jobs
  • IT Engineer

Taxation of jobs in Mauritius for foreigners

  • Mauritius subject foreigners to 15% tax on their income, foreigners living in Mauritius are expected to file their taxes by the 15th of October of each year through the Mauritius Revenue Authority. Most time your company will guide you through the process.
  • You should also know that you only become a tax resident after 180 days in the territory as a foreigner.
  • Working in Mauritius is so tax friendly, Salary levels in Mauritius on the other hand, are not comparable to those in Europe for the same job. As a result, adapting to the Mauritius market as foreigner will be necessary.

Step to take for jobs in Mauritius for Foreigners or Expats

  • Your Employer should give you a guide through from a general perspective.
  • Documentation of the required list of documents into a file
  • Submission of your file to the appropriate authorities
  • Try your possible best to follow up your file.
  • Follow-up on your trip
  • Physical completion of procedures in Port-Louis, which is the capital city.
  • Get an assistance for Accommodation.
  • integration into the Mauritius network system

Can Foreigners work in Mauritius ?

For you to work as a foreigner in Mauritius you are expected to have a work permit and also a Residence permit in added to your file document. However,Work permits and occupation permits are not the same thing in Mauritius, this is because a occupation permit allows only foreign nationals to live and work in Mauritius and This permission is basically for candidates who fit into one of three categories: sponsored professionals, investors or those that are self-employed.

Foreigners who fail to qualify for this category are expected to apply for a Legal work permit

Getting a Mauritius work permit

To qualify for a work permit in Mauritius you must be between the age of 20 and 60, Workers with specific knowledge may be exempted from this requirement.

The following documents are required for the Work and Residence Permit application:

  • A filled-out application
  •  Four passport photographs Copies of the applicant’s passport’s data pages
  • A completed data sheet Copies of the applicant’s professional and academic credentials
  •  The employer’s job description
  • Information about your prior job experience
  • A health certificate granted by the Ministry of Health and Quality of Life to the applicant.
  • A copy of the employer’s Certificate of Incorporation as well as a copy of its company  registration card
  •  The Contract of Employment (COE) that has been approved by the Labour Division with a  minimum salary of 30,000 Mauritian rupees.
  • Submission of one or two newspapers containing information about the Job placement.

Working in Mauritius as a Foreigner could be a life transforming experience, most especially if you’re fascinated by beaches. The country’s tourist industry is one of the best in the world. Foreigners who are law abiding should expect maximum comfort throughout their stay in the country.

We hope this article was indeed helpful for you to explore Mauritius

Originally posted 2022-04-28 16:04:30.

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