(Revealed) Best Time to Post On Instagram on Sunday – Sunday Instagram post time

Instagram is one of the most used social media apps on earth; you can tell by how many followers Christiano Rolando has (450m). At a point, you want to advertise your business on Instagram, and you feel Sunday is the best time to post your product and services, this article will justify when it’s best to post on Instagram on a Sunday.

According to recent statistics, Sunday is when Christians worship their God; in fact, the world population comprises 50% Christians. So you want to be careful about when to post on Instagram on a Sunday.

Before I dive into the main topic of this article, I’m sure you have everything ready for your posting; you don’t want to waste any time as people usually get or lose interest in social media apps during a certain time.

Best Time to Post on Instagram on Sunday – Secrete Revealed

Best Time to Post on Instagram on sunday

What you are about to read is based on what I have tried several times, and it’s worked for me, irrespective of whether I want to run adverts on Instagram or update my Instagram page. It works very fine for me, so I guess it should work very well for you.

The best time to post on Instagram on a Sunday is between 3 pm and 7 pm.

The reason is that, by that time, most Instagram users are back from church services; now, this is when you are getting all denominations (Muslims, Christians, etc.). Apart from the fact that Christians go to church on a Sunday morning, people tend to work out on Sunday morning.

Read also:

  1. [Fixed] How I fixed “Try Again Later Error” on Instagram for Iphone and Android
  2. How To Watch Instagram Stories without getting known

In that case, from 3 pm to 7 pm, you tend to reach a larger audience, thereby making your post or ad reach an audience; this is why it’s the best time to post on Instagram on Sunday. Don’t get me wrong, when you post other times, like early in the morning or late at night, you also stand a chance to reach a good number of audiences.

Instagram is run by a bot and not necessary humans like us, and bots tend to follow instructions given to them by the developer, so what you need to do as an individual who wants to post on Instagram on Sunday is that you need to study the bot which I did before unleashing this article.

From my discovery, Instagram users are active between 3 pm and 7 pm; it’s left for you to choose when it’s best for you to post or run ads on Instagram.

When not to post on Instagram on Sunday

It’s simply the opposite of what I just posted up there, don’t post or run ads when peeps are sleeping. You just wasted your money on an ad, and if you feel that your post or ad will be viewed when they wake up, then it’s not so because millions of posts are waiting for users to view when they wake up.

Wrapping Up

Posting on Instagram could be fun, but getting the right time to post is divine. With the few points I have made above, you should be able to know the best time to post on Instagram on Sunday.

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Originally posted 2022-06-08 09:35:00.

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