How to stop Instagram from saving posted photos and Videos 2022 – Make your Instagram Account Private

Social media platforms like Instagram have completely changed the way we communicate and share information. No longer are we limited to communicating with those in our immediate vicinity – we can now connect with anyone, anywhere in the world. In this article, you will learn how to stop instagram from saving posted photos 2022, this has had a huge impact on the way businesses operate, with many now using social media platforms to reach a wider audience.

In 2022, Instagram will stop saving posted photos to user’s devices. This is a big change for Instagram users who are used to having their photos automatically saved to their phones or tablet. Here’s how to stop Instagram from saving posted photos in 2022:

How to stop Instagram from saving posted photos 2022

How to stop Instagram from saving posted photos and Videos

If you’re concerned about Instagram saving your photos, there’s an easy way to change your settings. Here’s how:

1. Open the Instagram app and go to your profile.

2. Tap the three dots in the upper right corner, then tap Settings.

3. Scroll down and tap Account, then toggle the switch next to “Save Original Photos” to the off position.

Now, when you post a photo to Instagram, it won’t be automatically saved to your phone. Keep in mind that this setting only applies to photos you post in the future – it won’t delete any photos that have already been saved to your device.

How to stop Instagram from Saving posted Videos 2022

If you are looking to disable automatic video saving on your Instagram account, you can take a few steps. First, consider whether or not you want to completely disable saving any videos that you post. If you only want to disable automatic video saving for certain videos, you can go into your settings and disable the option for those videos only.

To disable automatic video saving for all videos, go to your settings and look for the “save posts” option. Once you find this option, toggle it off. This will ensure that Instagram does not save any videos that you post to your account.

One Reason Why Photos are saved in your phone is that you have Original Photos Enabled. Here is how to fix it for iPhone and Android

Instantly saved photos taken with Instagram are automatically saved to your device’s camera roll. If you disable the Save Original Photos option on Instagram, the videos and photos you post to Instagram will not be saved to your phone’s camera roll.

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If you disable the Save Original Posts option within Instagram’s settings, the photos that you post to Instagram with the camera won’t be saved.

You can always access the original shot if you take photos with your phone’s camera app, then upload them to Instagram. Because you enable original photos, pictures are saved to your Instagram. This can be changed:

For iOS:

You can navigate to your profile by clicking the avatar at the bottom right. Save Original Photos will be disabled by going to:

  1. Settings
  2. Account
  3. Toggle off Save Original Photos.
  4. All photos taken with Instagram’s camera won’t be saved to the device’s camera roll and will be deleted. Cheers.

For Android devices:

  1. To access your profile, click on your avatar. It can be found in the screen’s bottom right corner.
  2. To open the Settings section, click the hamburger menu at the upper right. The settings section is located at the bottom and has the name Settings. Click on the hamburger menu to close it once you are in the settings section.
  3. Use the search box at the top of the Settings page to quickly find Original Posts.
  4. The Save Original Post checkbox can be disabled or enabled for specific items, such as Save Posted Images or Save Posted Video that you want to save instead.

How to Make your Instagram Account Private

If you’re looking to keep your Instagram account private, you can take a few easy steps.

First, head to your profile and click on the gear icon in the upper right-hand corner.

From there, select “Private Account.”

Once your account is private, only people who you approve can see your photos and videos.

Another way to keep your account private is to be selective about who you follow. By default, anyone who follows you can see your photos and videos.

But if you head to your follower’s list and click on the gear icon next to a person’s name, you can choose to approve or ignore their request to follow you. You can also control who can tag you in photos, also ensure you read Instagram privacy policy.

What does it mean to make your profile private ?

If you’re new to Instagram, you may not know that you can make your profile private. This means that only people who you approve can see your photos and videos. You can also choose to make your story visible to only your followers.

Why would you want to make your profile private? There are a few reasons. Maybe you want to share photos and videos with only your close friends and family. Or, maybe you don’t want strangers to see your photos. Whatever your reason, making your profile private is easy to do.

Just go to your settings and toggle the switch to “private.” Once you do this, only people who you approve will be able to see your photos and videos.


That’s all for now! I hope these tips on how to stop Instagram from saving posted photos in 2022 help you in your quest for a more private online presence. As always, be sure to check back for updates as the Instagram app continues to evolve.


Originally posted 2022-08-15 14:04:18.

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